1 Subject & Study

Booklets will be distributed on day 1 of the course.

Where does the course take place?    

Technological University of the Shannon, Athlone Campus, University Road, Athlone, Co Westmeath. N37 HD68

How do I book the course?       

Choose the location, Kilkenny or Online. Click on the tile of choice, Leaving or Junior Cert. Here you can assess the fees and look at the subject topics to be covered. You will be asked to choose the number of subjects (Please note Maths A & Maths B are both higher level and count as 2 separate subjects). Then you select your subject choices and fill in all your information.

Do I need to book in advance?     

Yes. To be certain of your place and also to be sure that we have course notes printed for you it is important you book in advance.

What do you mean by study?     

Study is a supervised environment where students can do their own work without disruption. Study times and breaks run inline with the timetable for the revision course. Students can attend study when they are not in their courses. Please note that students can only come and go during scheduled break times.

Why should I choose Revise?

Revise.ie has been successfully running revision courses for over 10 years. Our Teachers are incredibly talented and deliver exceptional quality content with informative revision booklets to complement it. The value for money of our course is second to none. Thanks to student feedback and excellent reviews over the years, we know what students want……and we deliver it always!

What are the revision notes like? 

Our teachers put together outstanding quality revision booklets that will be invaluable in the lead up to your exams. All revision booklets are professionally printed and bound. These revision notes will be invaluable to you right up to and through your exam.

Why are Maths A & Maths B two separate subjects? 

Higher level Maths at leaving cert level has a massive course content. To make sure as much of the main topics get covered as possible it has to be broken down in to two separate subjects. Algebra and Trigonometry are covered at Christmas, Probability and Statistics & Functions and Differentiation are covered at Easter.

What is the difference between Maths A & Maths B and Maths A(H1/H2) & Maths B(H1/H2) 

The main difference here will be the pace of the class. (H1/H2) will be suitable for students capable of achieving a H1 or a H2 in the Leaving cert. While all the same content will be covered, this class will move at a faster pace and students will have less time to complete problems.

Anything else that makes Revise.ie stand out? 

Yes. We don’t just provide elite level classes for our students. We also provide a place for them to work when not in class in our strictly supervised study area. At the end of our courses students constantly tell us that it was the most productive week of their entire time in school.