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Leaving Cert Study Tips


In this piece, we will discuss study tips that we feel are important in preparation for the Leaving Certificate. Using facts and aspects of my own experiences, we will outline a number of different techniques that we can use to maximise the number of points we can get while also aligning it closely to the routine that we already have in place, with regards to work, sports played, music lessons etc.

Studying is one of the most common and easiest aspects of 6th year which we can get distracted from. It is important to begin by changing our current mind-set. You have plenty of time to get yourself organised to maximise your capability. Under the following questions, I aim to help you achieve your goals within each subject. Don’t forget to have a read through our study skills in order to plan correctly while also picking up a few tips from below.

How do I do well in my Leaving Cert?

The importance of using exam papers should not be underestimated. They are one of the most useful tools in terms of both assessment and indeed revision purposes. Questions often come up like what has been asked in previous years. The more exam paper questions you do increases the chance that you will have seen that type of question before, albeit worded differently. At first, the idea and thoughts of studying every section of every subject seems daunting.  Breaking down the subject into topics groups and taking your time to study each topic will have some hugely positive benefits. It is also integral to your success that you tailor your learning to a format and style that suits you best. Some examples of effective learning may include rote learning, colour coding subsections, flashcards, posters for visual displays, record your own voice (if you find learning songs easy this may work) are all effective ways to both learn new information and revise material covered already.

How many hours a week should you study?

This is a very open question as it is hugely dependant on the goals that you have, mixed with a realistic amount of time that you can spend studying. It is important to remember that doing “4 hours study a night” is of no benefit if no learning takes place. Thirty minutes of intense study can often be much more valuable than a few hours of interrupted, ineffective study. Study plans should be factored around what you already have in your daily routine. For example, if you train for two hours on a particular evening, don’t stop that training in order to achieve more study. Often the time away from the books can actually give our brain the break that it needs, allowed us to have more mental energy and stronger brain retention due to the fact that we have focused on something else other than study for a period of time. A study plan is also useful for lowering anxiety as we have control over what we are doing and have a strategic and effective system as to what information exactly we hope to get covered.

Don’t forget to have a look at our study plan in order to further enhance our quality of study.

What are the easiest subjects for Leaving Cert?

Often the subjects we find easiest are the ones we enjoy most, sounds simple but isn’t always the case. It is important when choosing subjects for Leaving Cert that you assess your performance and interest in the subject. Did you enjoy the subject for Junior Cert? 

Were you satisfied with most of the results that you received when you were examined in that subject? These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself before deciding what subject you will choose to do for Leaving Cert. Before deciding what subject, you choose, you need to realistically assess the probability of passing exams or receiving an honour based on past results. This will result in maximising results due to our subject choices having a mix of both subjects we enjoy along with subjects we are strong at. 

If you think you need help with certain subjects this year, we offer a range of online grinds, accessible from anywhere. Check out the full schedule here